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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-07 09:05:47


关于”音乐的作用_“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The role of !!以下是关于音乐的作用_的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The role of

We all know that music is an elf and a way to our . We often in words, but is not . When we need music, music plays an role in our life when we are tired.

Music can make us relax and . Music can our and help me Music us to do our best and let us . In short, music is very .

It can make their , open up their minds, , and our tired body and mind.






Music plays a very role in our daily life. In every , it is for to to many kinds of music, and they to music at times and for . Here are some of how and why to music.

to music to relax and enjoy . In this case, , , most like to to music His music, most like all kinds of music, and will the type of music that is most for their mood. is that to music to an .

For , soft music can a or and help calm down and music. On the other hand, no what have to music. Music plays an role in our life.

It can help us relax or give us . It can also tell us that is .






Music or noise, many old do on music at about 8 o'clock in the , which makes young feel . They that noise with their sleep. As we all know, music plays an role in our life.

Music can a and happy , our , and make us relax after hard. to light music can also make us feel happy and . , as the goes, every coin has two sides.

In the wrong place or time, it may make noise to , your music. If your music other 's noise, it will your with your . No what we do, we the of other .




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